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Cru Commercial Insurance 

Cru Commercial Insurance operates as a division of The Insurance Mart, founded in 1972, as a full service commercial insurance brokerage in Charleston, South Carolina.  Cru represents a network of commercial insurance carriers that address the specific risk needs of The City of Charleston's thriving business community, connecting Charleston's core industries to relevant insurance markets.  The unique challenge of Charleston's industry mix with heavy saturations in restaurants, bars, hotels, and coastal property including HOA's, property regimes, and other habitational risks as well as marine cargo, and a high concentration of production and film activity requires a specialized approach, creating a unique challenge and opportunity in local risk management demands.  Our mission is to enhance the risk transfer experience and provide additional access to necessary commercial insurance products in order to support Charleston businesses and benefit our local community. 

Modern Restaurant Kitchen
Residential Buildings
White Minibuses
Camera Crew
Cargo Ship at Sea

Insurance for Charleston's Primary Business Groups 

Restaurants & Bars including Liquor Liability Insurance

Hotels, HOA's, Property Regimes, Coastal Commercial Property

Construction & Contractors

Film & Production

Marine Cargo

Cru Commercial Insurance
Charleston, South Carolina
(843) 790-2606


Copyright © 2024 Cru Commercial Insurance

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